Autodesk Revit Building FAQ

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Elevation/Section Tags

Question by Revit User
For some reason, I cannot see my section cuts on all of my plan views. I checked my view graphics and the "sections" visibility is on. They also do not show up in my elevations. However, the section cuts show up in my building section view where the sections cross.

Answer by Tomdinmn
Check the properties of the section. There is a "hide at scales courser than" setting.
If you cut the section in an elevation and the elevation was at 1/4"=1'-0", then that setting by defaul will be 1/4" whcih means that if your floor plan is at 1/8" the section will not be visible.

Question by Revit User
Has anyone come across the view name for the interior elevation showing up along with the elevation number in a view. If so how can make the elevation only show the number?

Answer by Tomdinmn
Settings>View Tags>Elevations Tags and unchecking the "show name" box on the elevation type desired. HINT: You can have multiple Elevation tags defined and loaded into the project. You maight want to have them display the name until they are placed on a sheet and then swap out one tag for another to show the number when you are ready.

Question by Revit User
Is there a way anyone knows of to show some elevation tags/symbols on a drawing sheet, but hide others so that they don't print?

Answer by Ckarch
Right click on the Elevation or Section Ref. and select "Hide annotation in view". This hides the Elevation symbol. To turn back on hover over the symbol and it appears, then right click and select "Show annotation in view".

Question by Revit User
Does anyone know if there is a way to change the line weight of section lines?

Answer by Tomdinmn
The line weight of the section line is under: Settings>Object Styles>Anootation Objects[tab]--Section Line


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